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Rendlesham Primary School

Curriculum Overview

Rendlesham Primary School 

Curriculum overview

The curriculum at Rendlesham has been written to consider the future world our young children will face as adults and continuing learners. We value three core education principles: Personal Development, Creative Development and Community Engagement. These principles are not “add ons,” nor are they haphazard outcomes, they are the foundation of our entire curriculum.   


Teaching focuses on ensuring that as children develop their knowledge in a subject, they do so through application of these core education principles. From EYFS to the end of year 6 a clear progression of subject knowledge has been constructed to ensure that children develop a meaningful understanding of the curriculum. Teachers assess both factual and procedural knowledge allowing children to reflect on their own personal development and behave as active citizens at a local and global level.   


Looking ahead our children will need to be able to find solutions to national issues such as global warming, technological revolution and racism. Their generation will be pivotal in delivering huge global change. We teach children to be innovators of the future. We enable them to be leaders; to become creative thinkers; resilient learners and active citizens. There is an emphasis on ensuring children reflect and recognise their personal response to their education as well as a focus on the acquisition of factual knowledge.  



Year 1 - Autumn Conflict 


Year 1 - Spring Planet Earth 

Year 1 - Summer  Britain 

Through a study of conflict in a range of eras and societies children learn how lives are commemorated and why this is important. They understand how human actions affect others, debate human morals and form an understanding of equality.  They are challenged to question historic morality and learn about the experiences of women and ethnic groups throughout history.  

This term provides a variety of opportunities to explore human impact on our planet. Children learn about animals and their habitats, the impact of natural disasters on the earth and then consider how human activity is impacting the future of the planet. They are encouraged to be respectful active citizens and develop a sense of responsibility to protect all species.   

As well as studying their own locality, children learn about London, Britain and the UK. They begin to compare the UK to the rest of the world and then link this knowledge to human geography and migration. They study historic Britain and changes in the monarchy. They build on prior learning regarding societal, gender and ethnic inequality, learning about the stories and lives of migrants arriving in Britain.    



Year 2 - Humankind


Year 2 – Spring Inventions 

Year 2 - Summer legacy

A focus on geographic knowledge and skills. Children learn to use maps and fieldwork skills and discover how our land use is changing.   

Human characteristics are explored in depth and children are encouraged to reflect on human nature.  

Technology is explored across a range of subjects this term. There is a historical focus on inventions and their impact on society which links to how we can use these legacies to develop our own new ideas for the future. Children are encouraged to explore and show curiosity about the world around them.   

Children compare how human lives have been affected by nature and human activity over time. They compare lives across the world as well as focusing on local history and geographic landforms.   

They develop their understanding of diversity and build on prior knowledge from all areas of the curriculum.